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Finance Committee Constitution

To view the constitution of the Parish Finance Committee, please click here.

Church Grounds

A reminder that parking in the church grounds is for parishioners attending Church Ceremonies. We ask people no to park there for long hours as this is inconsiderate to people attending church during the day such as funerals and adoration.
The church grounds may be locked in the evening and will reopen at 8am the following morning. If you need to bring your dog through church grounds, the dog must be on a lead. We ask dog owners to ensure their dogs do not foul church grounds and we ask all to behave with courtesy and respect for others.


The church grounds are monitored by recording CCTV.


Mass cards are all available from the parish office.



Rosary and Prayer for Priests in Adoration Chapel on Saturday mornings after 10 am Mass. All are

Eucharistic Adoration

The timings for Eucharistic Adoration in Dunboyne are on Tuesday and Friday after 9 am Mass until 8 pm in the Adoration Chapel and Kilbride on the First Saturday of each month after 6 pm Mass until 7.30 pm.

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